Značaji dreves – Macesen / 7 / Characters of trees – Larch

Macesen me navdušuje s svojo zagonetnostjo, ker ga ni moč kategorizirati, podobno kot glive, ki niso ne živali, ne rastline, ali bršljan in lovorikovec, ki sta zimzelena listavca, tudi macesen presega znano kategorizacijo. Če macesen obiščete jeseni in z njim še niste klepetali, se vam bo, s svojo zlato rumenino zdel suh ali v umiranju. A drevo je še kako živo.

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Characters of trees 7 – Larch

Larch fascinates me with its enigmatic nature, because it cannot be categorized, just like fungi, which are neither animals nor plants, or ivy and laurel, which are evergreen deciduous trees, larch also transcends known categorization. If you visit a larch tree in autumn and have not yet chatted with it, it will seem dry or dying with its golden yellow. But the tree is still very much alive.

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