Nična točka Vzročnost vsega // Zero point The causality of everything

Nična točka je ime, ki ga kvantna fizika uporablja za predstavitev neizčrpnega mirujočega potenciala vesolja. Ta kaplja jo pogleda iz praktičnega vidika in povabi k poenotenju razumevanja Boga, da bi združil versko, znanstveno in ateistično misel k slogi. Kadar se očistimo razlag, ki nam jih ponuja vsaka od teh doktrin, vsi govorimo o Istem. Naj vam pripiha svežine in širine. MŠ

Zero point – The causality of everything

The zero point is the name quantum physics uses to represent the inexhaustible resting potential of the universe. This drop looks at it from a practical point of view and invites a unification of the understanding of God in order to combine religious, scientific and atheistic thought to unity. When we clear ourselves of the interpretations offered by each of these doctrines, we are all talking about the Same. May it give you a breath of freshness and breadth. MŠ

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