Pomnoževanje Svetlobe (FIN) Multiplication of Light

Bog uresničuje en princip, po katerem Njegove stvari Oživijo in dihajo kot en organizem – ta je Ljubezen. Ljubezen Oživlja in lepi stvari, ki jih Svetloba udejanja. Stojite na skrajnem robu možnosti, kjer se, ali preobrazite skladno z Zakonom Življenja, ali pa se pogubite z lastno roko.

Zasukajte se iz jemanja Naravi, k dajanju Naravi. Povrnite si ravnovesje in odplačajte dolg do darovanega Življenja. Ne iščite priložnosti, kako se boste okoristili, pač pa kako se boste udejanjeno zahvalili Bogu, ki se vam podarja. Vaša nova naloga je, da sami sebi izkustveno dokažete Boga in vašo Enost z Njim.

Epizode / Episodes:

Na kolenih do Naravnosti (1/6) On your knees to Naturalness

Naravni vidci (2/6) Natural Seers

Transhumanizem (3/6) Transhumanism

Naravna Tehnologija (4/6) Natural Technolopgy

Zgodba Svetlobe (5/6) The Story of Light

Podporne vsebine

Človekova Božanskost / The Divinity of Man

Sem Kraljestvo Nebes / I am the Kingdom of Heaven

Molitev, ki jo Bog razume / A  Prayer that God understands

Meditiranje Genija / Meditating Genious 

Multiplication of Light

God has one principle by which His things Live and breathe as one organism – this is Love. Love binds together the beautiful things that Light brings to life. You stand on the edge of possibility, where you either transform yourself according to the Law of Life, or perish by your own hand. Turn from taking Nature to giving Nature. Restore your balance and pay off the debt to the donated Life. Don’t look for an opportunity to take advantage, but rather to give thanks to God who gives Himself to you. Your new task is to prove to yourself experientially God and your Oneness with Him.

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